Thursday, January 19, 2012

Comments Now Welcome!

I never thought I would have very many followers on this blog, and the only reason I had the old layout is because I thought it was lovely, but the catch was that no one could leave any comments!

Anybody should now be able to comment on posts, but let me know if it STILL isn't working!

Oh, and I made THIS and THIS and THISSSSSSS for my sister-in-law this evening, and once I perfect them I'll snap some pics and post the recipes (I always tweak them to my liking). The stuffed tomatoes were DIVINE, and the chip-filled raspberries were delicious AND a great little treat without overdoing it on sweets!


  1. I'm your first commenter!! SO EXCITED!!! :o) And dinner tonight was fantastic!! Thank you so much I had a GREAT time!!! :o) Looking forward to being your gunny pig again soon!! :o)

  2. I just want to thank you for posting this blog. I am on day 5 of my juice cleanse and I read your blog everyday just to see how you were feeling on each day of your cleanse. I find everything you write very motivating. I hope to have just as amazing results as you : )


  3. Hooray! I love to comment :)

    Seriously though, congratulations on your many followers--your blog is an inspiration to many, including myself! I wouldn't be on day 13(!!!) If it wasn't for you. Thank you for your patience and insight in answering my many questions regarding this fast. I feel so great, and I can't wait to see what the next 47 days have in store!! I owe you one! :)

  4. I'm so excited to be able to comment now! I'm planning to start my juice fast this Monday to hopefully lose the weight from pregnancy.

  5. Kristen...

    I really enjoy reading your post congratulations on continuing to motivate others. I'm on day 15 and feeling great. I have been craving some food lately, but the best part is it has been for stuff like fresh mango, salsa etc... Wish I could actually eat it instead of juice only. 45 days to go!
    @ Rachel... Congratulations on day 13. My blog is at, and if you have one let me know so we can motivate each other too, especially since we are close on our journeys.

  6. I love hearing about everybody's progress! Thank you for sharing!
